15/07/11 今日は少し早めに帰宅。 今年はまだ一度もクーラーを付けていない。 もはや、節電などではなく、 自分との戦いだ。 夜、窓を開ければ、以外と風が抜けて涼しい。 ただ、ギターを弾くとなると、窓を閉める必要があるので、 必然的に暑くなるのだ。 僕はこれを夏のジレンマと呼ぶことにした。 クーラーを選ぶか、ギターを選ぶか、 それとも両方を選んで敗北を選ぶか。 これは夏のドラマだ。 なんのこっちゃ。 I came home early, went to gym on my way home. Do you want to know my secret? bet you do. This summer, I haven't used the air conditioning, not even once. It's no longer just about saving electricity for the good of society, but it's a war against myself. It's so-far bearable, if I open the windows. But, when I'm playing the guitar, I need to shut them, so I don't wake the neighbors up. Once the windows are shut, it gets hot, naturally. So there's a dillema. It's either I choose the air conditioning, or choose the guitar, or choose both and call myself a loser. It's a drama. And I don't know what I'm talking about. Hey, it's weekend. Yesterday   Tomorrow 1 year ago 2 years ago 3 years ago 4 years ago 5 years ago 6 years ago 7 years ago